The new moon on March 10, 2024 is very important, primarily because it precedes the eclipse season. But it is also the last new moon of the solar year: on March 20, the Sun will move from Pisces to Aries and begin its next circle round the Zodiac.
Lately, many have been complaining of depressed moods, lack of energy and inspiration. It is quite natural to experience a decline in energy at the end of the solar astrological year. In addition, along with the Sun and Moon, Saturn is now in Pisces. Both the previous full moon and this new moon are under its influence. It is Saturn that slows down processes and adds skepticism. I also succumbed to this condition – I did not even write a post about the previous full moon. Of course, we should not be blaming the stars, but still stellar weather matters, and understanding it, sometimes it is better not to push the pedal.
The previous two weeks were generally “slower” because Mercury was also moving through Saturn and Pisces, while remaining invisible. Now it is improving its position greatly, which means that things will start to move on, in spurts, not perfectly, but they will.
Another, rather rough configuration of Mars and Uranus speaks of leaps and bounds. It can bring sudden breakthroughs in some matters, but also conflicts, accidents and traumatic situations. Under other circumstances I wouldn’t pay too much attention to it, but in this case it may be one of the themes of the month. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius need to pay particular attention to this. You can make big plans, but it is very likely that external circumstances will interfere with them, so be on your guard and try to be more flexible in your planning.
The New Moon in Pisces is often accompanied by the awakening of hopes, dreaminess, some detachment from reality and the vision of “rosy” prospects. Yet, Saturn does not allow us to enjoy this state to the full. That’s why there are fluctuations: we take off on a cloud, and then we sink, it seems, to the very bottom. Take your time. Let yourself go through this transition smoothly. Don’t try to crack something that won’t open on its own. But don’t let yourself fall into apathy either. Don’t rush into things, but don’t shake your head in the ashes either. If you know where you are going, do it, one-two steps at a time, allowing yourself to rest and reboot. If you don’t know, gather information, it should appear, maybe not today-tomorrow, but within a month and a half the direction will definitely become clearer.
Pay attention to the details, the little things that make up life and that we often overlook – they can tell you where and how best to move now. Theoretically, an astrologer can give you advice in a one-on-one session :), but sometimes life is much more eloquent, especially around eclipses.
I wish you to live this transitional stage as fully and consciously as possible. And let me add a small miracle: may all the stormy clouds above you dissipate, and may the pink ones that you have been drawing come within your reach! 💛💙